From WCS inFocus
The students and staff at Oak View Elementary are so excited about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) that they dedicated an entire day to it on October 2.
Throughout the day, each class performed STEM challenges that encouraged students to really tap into their creativity. In fourth-grade teacher Laura Bailey’s class, her students were building cages out of nothing but index cards and tape.
“The cool thing about having an entire day for STEM is that it gives us so much more opportunity bring in more areas of the curriculum,” Bailey said.
In the gym, students had to cross the “raging river” using supplies like hula hoops, scooters and a square of carpet. Kindergarten students were creating trees out of blocks and Popsicle sticks.
“Our students are so creative,” said OVES Principal Amy Stephenson. “You just have to give them an outlet to show it.”
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