FSSD Opens Voluntary Pre-K Application Period

pre k registration

The Franklin Special School District is beginning its pre-kindergarten application process for the 2019-2020 school year. The FSSD has six state-funded Voluntary Pre-K (VPK) classes, which provide four-year-old students an opportunity to develop school readiness skills (pre-academic and social skills) in a high quality academic environment through an active learning approach. Available space is limited and enrollment is based on eligibility.

In the FSSD Voluntary Pre-K classes, young children learn skills at their own level in ways meaningful to them. A holistic approach to kindergarten readiness prepares children socially, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Experienced, knowledgeable, understanding teachers and staff guide students through music, stories, songs, and play. All of these fun activities help children develop academic and social skills as they play.

To be eligible, children must be four years old (born on or between August 16, 2014 and August 15, 2015), live in the Franklin Special School District, and qualify in one of several ways.

The Tennessee Department of Education Office of Early Learning requires school districts first serve students whose family meets specific income qualifications. Space permitting, students may be served who have disabilities, are identified as English Learners, are in state custody, or are identified as educationally at-risk for failure due to circumstances of abuse or neglect.

Each class is limited to 16 children working with a teacher and paraprofessional. The program is free of charge although parents are required to provide transportation.

If you would like more information, please contact the Office of Student Services at 615-591-2802 to request an application packet. Packets will be mailed to families requesting information no later than March 1.

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