Nashville One of the Worst Traffic Cities of 2015

nashville worst traffic cities

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According to Nashville has some of the worst traffic conditions for 2015.  On normal driving conditions Nashville is no treat to drive in, but add in all the construction going on with bridges and interstates and it turns into a mess. Nashville commuters spend an average of 41 hours in traffic annually. Nashville comes in at #29 on the worst traffic cities for 2015.Screenshot

Whether you have to suffer from roadwork delays, lane closures or plain congestion, the morning commute isn’t necessarily something to look forward to. And that’s before factoring in any delays to due weather — icy roads or even sun blindness can turn a 20 minute drive into an hour-long nightmare. But is your commute the actual worst?

Here are the Top 5 Worst traffic cities for 2015:

1. Washington D.C. (82 hours in traffic annually)

2. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, Calif. ( 80 hours in traffic annually)

3. San Francisco-Oakland, Calif. (78 hours in traffic annually)

4. New York-Newark, N.Y.-N.J.-Conn. (74 hours in traffic annually)

5. San Jose, Calif. ( 67 hours in traffic annually)

For the full list of cities please visit

Although this list specifically says Nashville traffic, Williamson County is part of the Metro Planning Organization; therefore many organizations include Williamson County data in their reports.

Special Report: Williamson County Traffic

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