Williamson students break district ACT score record

Williamson County School students continue to increase their ACT score average, finally breaking the 23.8 average that previously was the highest.

Now boasting a 24.7 average, the Class of 2016 met the district’s goal of the strategic plan, which set out for students to hit a 24.

“I am extremely proud of the fact that we have now surpassed the district goal of reaching an average composite score of 24,” Superintendent Mike Looney said. “We have been working to accomplish this for a decade. It is important to me that the public understand that our 24.7 average composite score is –  in part – a result of the state changing how ACT scores are reported. In past years the TNDOE only reported students’ last score. I am thankful that they now have switched to counting students’ highest scores, which is what colleges across the country consider. I am equally impressed with the exceedingly high percentage of students meeting the ACT benchmark needed to qualify for the Tennessee Hope Scholarship. Nearly 80 percent of our students earned this free college money.”

But according to the state report card, Williamson County School students’ average appears to be a 24.4. That figure, though still above the district’s goal, is being disputed by Williamson school officials. The Tennessee Department of Education is looking into the matter.

According to WCS InFocus newsletter, “numerous errors” were discovered in the data, which the Department of Education pledged to fix. Sara Gast – communications director for the department – said they were looking through the data to see if there were any errors. As of Tuesday morning, none had yet to have been discovered.

However, email communication between Looney and Education Commissioner Candice McQueen show that WCS sent an Excel document delineating the report errors.

“We have been in touch with Williamson County and have advised their leadership that we will review any files they have that provide new information on their ACT data,” Gast said. “WCS has recently forwarded that information, and we have begun our review to see if there are any differences with our data. We worked directly with ACT to ensure this data is as accurate as possible, and we believe it is better than ever.

“As it stands, we have not confirmed any errors with the data we have, and the official ACT average for Williamson County remains 24.4. However, we will continue these conversations in the coming days and will make any adjustments that we agree are necessary as we review the district’s data. ACT data did not factor into accountability this year because of our suspension of TNReady, and when it does next year, we will provide additional appeal and review opportunities with districts.”

Looney said he hoped to see the issue resolved with the errors discovered to properly reflect what the district considers the correct score on the report card.

Emily West covers Franklin, education, and high school football for the Franklin Home Page. Contact her at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter via @emwest22. 

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