John Schroer Named Chairman of Franklin Transit Authority

John Schroer Named Franklin Transit Authority Chairman 2022

The Franklin Transit Authority announces John Schroer’s unanimous appointment as Chairman.

Mr. Schroer’s transportation and government experience are extensive. He served as the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Transportation (2011-19). Additionally, he has served as City of Franklin Mayor and Alderman; and Board Member, Franklin Special School District Board of Education. Currently, he serves on the Williamson County Foster Care Review Board, and the Williamson County UGB Board.

Additional members of the Franklin Transit Authority include: Kerry Perkinson (Energy Advisor); Eric McElroy (WSP USA); Jill Burgin (Williamson County Emergency Management Agency); Chuck Barber (MTEMC); Patrick Baggett (Franklin Alderman); and Ashley W. Roberts (Daniel-Christian Real Estate).

The Franklin Transit Authority is operated and managed by The TMA Group—a regional leader in customizing innovative environmentally-friendly, multimodal transportation solutions for employers and communities.

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