2021 Nashville Antiques & Garden Show Canceled

Antiques & Garden Show
photo from Antiques & Garden Show Facebook

The Antiques & Garden Show of Nashville announced that it will cancel its 2021 event due to concerns related to COVID-19. The Show will resume in 2022.

“It was a difficult call to make, but in the name of keeping our guests, sponsors, dealers, volunteers, and other show partners healthy, the board determined that the 2021 Show should not happen,” said Bo Tyler, chairman of the board of the Antiques & Garden Show. “We are all disappointed, but are confident that in these uncertain times, it’s best to act with caution.”

In a non-pandemic year, the Show, which is the largest of its kind in the United States, would feature a slate of celebrated international leaders in design, garden and lifestyle, over 150 antiques and horticulture dealers, and expertly landscaped gardens. In recent years, the three-day event has been held in late January and early February at Nashville’s Music City Center, where it usually attracts more than 15,000 attendees. Past speakers have included Bunny Williams, Charlotte Moss, Diane Keaton, Gwyneth Paltrow, Martha Stewart and Faith Hill.

Proceeds from the Show benefit Cheekwood and ECON (Economic Club of Nashville) Charities.

Despite the absence of a physical program, the Antiques & Garden Show leaders are inviting past supporters and benefactors to make a comparable contribution in lieu of purchasing a ticket to the 2021 Show. Taking part in this effort will ensure that the financial needs of the Show’s beneficiaries, Cheekwood and ECON Charities, continue to be supported. Those interested in making a contribution of support can do so at www.antiquesandgardenshow.com.

Ashley Smith and Julia Spickard, who were slated to chair the 2021 Show, will now chair in 2022, Tyler said. “Of course, they respected the gravity of the situation and were gracious enough to agree to come back next year to make the 2022 Show the best ever.”

To keep up to date with Antiques and Garden Show announcements and future programming and information, visit the website or follow the Antiques & Garden Show of Nashville on Facebook or Instagram (@antiquesandgardenshow).

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