WCS Parent/Teacher Conferences Will Look Different this Year

From WCS inFocus

WCS ParentTeacher Conferences Will Look Different this Year1

Parent/Teacher Conferences will look a little different this year. As part of the calendar approval process by the School Board in October 2019, the Calendar Committee recommended omitting a specific day for conferences instead opting for them to take place at the request of the parent or teacher.

During the 2020-21 school year, teachers may reach out to families to schedule a conference if needed or families may reach out at any point to request a meeting.

These meetings are an opportunity for parents to talk one-on-one with their child’s teacher and establish a relationship. Some tips are listed below about how to prepare for and have a successful meeting.

Before the Conference

  • Talk with your student about which subjects they like or find difficult.
  • Ask them if they have any questions for their teacher.
  • Make a list of topics to discuss with the teacher.

During the Conference

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and ask the important ones first in case time runs short. Here are some questions parents may consider asking:
    • What will my child be expected to master this year, and how can I help?
    • Is my child working to the best of their ability?
    • How do you evaluate students? Do tests, attendance and homework all count toward grades?
    • Does my child seem happy and engaged in school?
    • What is your preferred method of communication with parents?

After the Conference

  • Stay in touch with the teacher, and follow up with any questions you didn’t have an opportunity to ask.
  • Talk with you student about what was discussed and how you can carry out the advice from the teacher.