WCS Answers Questions About End of Semester Exams

From WCS inFocus

rumor mill

In the December 15 edition of Williamson County Schools’ “Rumor Mill,” WCS answers questions from parents about end-of-semester exams and online teachers.

With all of the challenges that students have faced due to the pandemic, why is the district still administering end-of-semester exams?

After much discussion these last few weeks, district leaders determined that exams should still be administered. Many of the district’s Building Leadership Teams participated in this discussion, with most recommending the same.

Teachers and students have planned since August to have the exams, and some students have goals for their fall exams to improve their grades. In addition, our Board Policy requires them.

Exams will be shortened this semester, and we have asked our teachers to focus those exams to the essential standards for each class. This focus on the essential standards has been a commitment throughout the semester. We have also altered the schedules, limiting them to mornings, with additional study prep time in the afternoons, plus a 30-minute “just in time review” before each exam. Also, throughout the semester, our teachers have been focused on re-teaching standards that individual students might not have yet mastered, spiraling their instruction back to those standards.

As always, if parents have a specific question or concern about their child, they should reach out to their child’s teacher or the principal.

Will my student have the same WCS Online teacher next semester? How do we find out?

All high school courses are scheduled and teachers assigned, and families are able to log into their Skyward account and see second semester courses and teachers now. Families of middle school students should be able to see their second semester courses and teachers by Friday. Several middle school teachers will be new next semester, and the current teachers cannot be removed as they would lose access to the course. Students in those teachers’ classes will see two teachers in Skyward Friday afternoon and should receive a welcome email from their new teacher January 4.

Information has already been shared with elementary families.

This article is from the Rumor Mill section of WCS InFocus. The purpose of this section is to answer any questions parents, teachers or community members might have regarding the school district and to set the record straight in regards to any rumors that might be circulating. If you have a question or have heard a rumor that you would like WCS to address, simply EMAIL WCS your questions and WCS will respond to them in upcoming issues of InFocus.