Top Frauds of 2017

Almost three million people reported scams to the Federal Trade Commission in 2017 and the agency has released the top frauds of 2017.

Here are some highlights:

  • The breakdown of the millions of reports to the Commission looks like this: Debt Collection Reports (23% of all reports), Identity Theft (14%), Imposter Scams (13%)
  • With nearly 350,000 Imposter Scam reports, about 1 in 5 people who reported an imposter scam lost money – a whopping $328 million lost to someone pretending to be a loved one in trouble, a government official, tech support, or someone else who’s not who they say they are, but who wants your money.
  • For everyone who reported identity theft, credit card fraud tops the list, and continues to grow,
  • Reports of tax fraud are down 46%, but it was still reported by nearly 63,000 people.
  • $905 million lost due to fraud (an increase of $63 million from 2016).
  • People reported that scammers mostly contacted them by phone, and they mostly paid for frauds – once again – by wire transfer.
  • More younger people reported losing money to fraud than older people – but when people aged 70 and older had a loss, it was a much higher median loss than other groups.
  • Based on reports per 100,000 population, the top states for fraud reports were Florida, Georgia and Nevada. For identity theft, it’s Michigan, Florida and California.

Learn more here.