Guest Editorial: Kansas Senator Presents Case Against IRS

By Steve Hayes
Chairman and President, Americans For Fair Taxation

On April 14 — the eve of “Tax Day” — Senator Jerry Moran issued a strong case against the Internal Revenue Service and in favor of the FairTax.

After the IRS requested an additional $530 million in taxpayer-funded appropriations, Senator Moran published an op-ed arguing that the opposite should be taking place — that Congress should eliminate the IRS, not continue to prop-up its failed operation.

“You don’t need an accountant to do the math on this one,” writes Moran at USA Today. “Instead of spending millions in an attempt to fix the IRS, we should abolish the agency through comprehensive tax reform.”

And he didn’t stop there: Moran also takes the opportunity to promote the FAIRtax message, calling it the “best replacement” for the torturous tax code that exists currently.

“The FairTax is a significant step in the direction of individual freedom, a fundamental concept of our nation’s founding. With no tax on savings or investment, it would create more jobs and allow Americans to keep the entirety of their income, putting individuals back in charge of their own finances rather than the government. Under the FairTax, all Americans — regardless of their economic status — would be on equal footing and have greater freedom.”

Friend, I’m excited to say that the movement to PASS the FAIRtax is gaining momentum — that more and more Americans, both in an out of Congress, are rallying behind the FAIRtax as the simple, commonsense solution to our current revenue system.

But we need your support to keep our campaign going strong, donate here.

Your support today will help us and bold legislators like Senator Moran continue to carry the FAIRtax message and win more support on Capitol Hill. Isn’t it time to make April 15 just another day in Spring?

As always, thank you for staying FAIRtax strong

P.S. Don’t forget to sign our petition and send a no-cost message to your U.S. Representative and Senators in support of the FairTax! Add your name here.

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