Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences are in their first rounds for the school year. The Williamson County School Systems has some suggestions for you on what to ask your child’s teacher.

In the latest issue of InFocus, we learn that there are 5 questions you should always get answered. Principals are setting their own dates for conferences this year so contact your school if you have not heard anything yet.

Establishing a relationship with your child’s teacher is a fun and rewarding experience. Attaching a name to a face and talking one-on-one about a student helps both you and your teacher to better relate to your youth. Making the most of your limited time is important so make sure you ask the following.

1. What content and skills will my child be expected to master this year and how can I help?
2. Is my child working to the best of his/her ability?
3. How do you evaluate students? Do tests, attendance and homework all count toward grades?
4. Does my child seem happy and engaged in school?
5. What is your preferred method of communication with parents?

Feel free to add to this list and realize that teachers want to help you understand the requirements and climate of their class and the school in general. Become a partner with your school system and make a difference in the lives of all the students in Williamson County.

After your conference, stay in communication with these teachers, they will be happy to respond to an email or call as soon as they can. Remember to focus on the positive and try to motivate your children to get the most out of their school experience.