Local Teachers Using Art to Keep Schools Connected

art in schools

From WCS inFocus

Kenrose Elementary art teacher Virginia Nix and Jordan Elementary art teacher Elizabeth Wilbourne are using art as a vehicle to unify their school families.

Both Nix and Wilbourne taught at Kenrose Elementary before Jordan Elementary opened for the 2018-19 school year. Most of Jordan Elementary’s student population comes from re-zoned Kenrose students.

In an effort to celebrate the changes ahead, each of the 1,000 students and teachers made their mark by painting a brush stroke on two canvases, creating a symbolic and beautiful work of collaborative art.

“It sounds crazy to say out loud that a school as big as Kenrose feels like a family, but it’s absolutely true,” Nix said. “It’s one big beautifully diverse family. When Kenrose received news that we would get relief with the opening of Jordan, a part of me was relieved for smaller numbers, but the other part felt sad about losing some of the faces I had grown accustomed to over the years. It was that bittersweet feeling that inspired us to immortalize our Kenrose family as it was with something equally beautiful.”

As a result of this project, both art teachers now have a piece of the Kenrose family masterpiece hanging in their schools.