Local Boutique Raine is Your One Stop Shopping Destination


Raine Boutique, located in the Brentwood Place Shopping Center in Brentwood, should definitely be your next destination for gifts, jewelry, and the of-the-moment fashion.

Raine is owned by sisters Marybeth Stone and Gina Camp. And when you visit Raine, it’s like visiting with family who will welcome you into the store with open arms and some good conversation.

And if you need a last minute gift, they will even do the wrapping for you. From jewelry selections that won’t break the bank to Johnny Was embroidered denim, one-of-a-kind vintage cowboy boots, decor, Love Your Melon hats, and more there’s so much to shop and we promise you won’t go home empty-handed.

Watch our video below with Marybeth Stone as she gives us a tour of the store. Raine is located at 330 Franklin Road, Brentwood in the Brentwood Place Shopping Center. Hours of operation are Monday – Friday 10 a – 6 p and Saturday, 10 a – 5 p. Follow them on Facebook for the latest updates.