5 Ways To Eat Healthy at a Holiday Party

One of the most wonderful part of the holidays is getting together with family and friends, which usually means getting together for a hearty meal and even heartier deserts!

Holidays are always a time to indulge in some foods we don’t usually get to eat but sometimes we overstuff our bellies in the name of holiday cheer. So how do we balance enjoying the holiday goodies while not packing on the pounds?

Here are some tips to accomplish just that:

-Eat Before
On the day of a holiday get together, make sure to eat before you go. Some people believe that not eating before a holiday party is best, so they can load up on goodies, because they haven’t eaten all day. In fact, you should do the opposite. You should definitely eat before a party. Eating will help you to not overeat at your holiday party (Source).

-Clear Liquor
If you’re going to drink, go for clear liquor. These liquors tend to have less calories than dark liquors. Don Jolé, Co-owner of Sweat, personal trainer and all around nutrition and fitness expert, gave us a great mantra awhile back on what to drink at holiday parties: “Steer clear of beer!”

Throw some gum in your pocket as you head out to your holiday party. When you fill that you’ve had enough to eat but still feel tempted by all the goodies around, chew on gum. This can help you say no to more deserts! (Source)

Drink Water
As always, water is the best. Drink water before, after and during your holiday party.

-Take a Walk
Get your blood flowing and take an after dinner stroll. Simply staying active can help control your appetite.

Eating health(ier) at a holiday party isn’t so much about saying ‘no’ to every single delicious holiday treat, but knowing when to stop and what you can do to make good choices. Enjoy your cookies and cake but, like everything else, in moderation.