Franklin Boy Scout Troop Awards New Eagle Scout

Joshua Gordon and Scoutmaster John Green
Joshua Gordon and Scoutmaster John Green

Joshua Denton Gordon is the newest Eagle in Franklin Boy Scout Troop #137. Joshua has been awarded the Eagle rank, the highest rank in Boy Scouting. He brings the troop’s current Eagle count to more than 190 since its 1975 inception under Scoutmaster John Green (who, at 90 years of age, is still Scoutmaster).

He received his award in a Court of Honor ceremony on April 8, 2018 at “The Barn,” on Mr. Green’s farm, where Troop 137 meets weekly.

The son of Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gordon (Suzanna), 18-year-old Joshua is poised to graduate shortly from Christ Presbyterian Academy (CPA). He is a senior at the school. On his trek to Eagle, he attained 22 badges and 42 camping nights, as well as the Arrow of Light award, 50-miler Award for canoeing, the National Outdoor Award for Camping and completed the Kodiak Challenge, the second level leadership development course for Venturers in the Boy Scouts of America’s Venturing program.

For his Eagle Scout project, Joshua led a group that cleaned up a historic cemetery in the Eagles Glen subdivision. It included removing brush, building a double gate and repainting the fence that surrounded the graves, rebuilding part of a stone wall, and placing new signage, flowers and a stone bench in the property. In all, the work took 196 hours to complete.

Joshua plans to attend Lee University in Cleveland and major in History/Pre-Law.

Eagle is the highest rank in Scouting, an honor that only about 5 percent of all Boy Scouts ever attain. Only 1.7 million Scouts have earned the rank since 1910, when Scouting began in the U.S. Troop #137 makes a concerted effort to encourage all of its Scouts towards this achievement.

To earn the Eagle Scout rank, a Boy Scout must fulfill requirements in leadership, service and outdoor skills and must advance through the ranks—Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle, passing specific tests organized by requirements and merit badges. Eagle candidates must earn 21 merit badges, demonstrate proficiency in increasingly more responsible community service and direct an Eagle project that benefits the community.

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