Enjoy Your Labor Day!


The Federal Holiday known as Labor Day was enacted in 1894. The concept was originally brought into the mainstream view by active labor unions at the time, although the concept was already in practice in other countries. The first Monday in September is the traditional day of rest for America’s work force.

Parties, celebrations, parades and more will sprinkle the landscapes across the country as city offices and building are closed for a well deserved break. Enjoy time off with friends and family and remember why we all work so hard day-to-day to provide and shape the future.

The Franklin Jazz Festival over the weekend led you into the Monday day of rest and recovery so we hope you explored the fun at the Factory September 1st & 2nd. Farmer’s markets were still open over the weekend and traffic was lighter as many made plans for vacation.

Be safe, and from The Williamson Source – Have a happy Labor Day!
