Do You Know Your Heatstroke Facts?

The National Weather Service predicts very warm temperatures this weekend. As you spend time outdoors this weekend, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of a heatstroke. Too many times people do not realize they are putting themselves at risk when they are spending prolonged time in the heat. Heatstroke is deadly. Below is a list of guidelines from both the Mayo Clinic and American Red Cross to help protect you or someone your love from heatstroke.

If you are doing strenuous yard work or exercising outdoors, your body temperature will rise from heat exposure. The elderly, those with weakened immune systems and children have the greatest risk.

download (1)Hydration is key. It is important to stay hydrated as often people do not know how much and how often they need to replenish fluids lost through sweating.

There are simple ways to prevent heatstroke from occurring, remember stay hydrated, wear cool comfortable clothing, don’t exercise for long periods of time in the heat and listen to your body.

The Mayo Clinic has developed a list to help you know if someone is suffering from a Heatstroke.

Here is a Simple List of Heatstroke Symptoms:

  • High body temperature. A body temperature of 104 F (40 C) or higher is the main sign of heatstroke.
  • Altered mental state or behavior
  • Alteration in sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Flushed skin
  • Rapid breathing
  • Racing heart rate

HEAT STROKE IS LIFE-THREATENING. Signs include hot, red skin which may be dry or moist; changes in consciousness; vomiting; and high body temperature. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number immediately if someone shows signs of heat stroke. Move the person to a cooler place. Quickly cool the person’s body by immersing them up to their neck in cold water if possible. Otherwise, douse or spray the person with cold water, or cover the person with cold, wet towels or bags of ice.

Follow these simple tips this summer from the American Red Cross:

  • Never leave children or pets alone in enclosed vehicles.
  • Eat small meals and eat more often.
  • Avoid extreme temperature changes.
  • Wear loose-fitting, lightweight, light-colored clothing.
  • Slow down, stay indoors and avoid strenuous exercise during the hottest part of the day.
  • Use a buddy system when working in excessive heat.
  • Take frequent breaks if working outdoors.
  • Check on family, friends and neighbors who do not have air conditioning, who spend much of their time alone or who are more likely to be affected by the heat.
  • Check on animals frequently to ensure that they are not suffering from the heat. Ensure they have water and a shady place to rest.
See Also: Warm Weather Pet Precautions See Also: Hot Cars Kill: 5 Low Tech Ways to Remember a Child in the Backseat