7 Popular Front Door Colors and What They Say About the Homeowner

What color to paint your front door


By Heather Listhartke

When choosing a door for your house, you might consider the style of your home and the vibe you want your home to evoke. Picking a color for your front door is no different. Many people choose to keep the natural wood door with its staining, but some prefer a splash of color to liven up their house and curb appeal.

When considering a color, the first thing you should consider is what style does your home fit into. Specific shades of colors fit more with certain styles. You should also consider what color or colors are already used on the exterior of your home. Think about what color palettes will go well with the color on your home’s trim, shutters, and any other accents it already has.

A few tips when choosing a paint color:

1.Colors tend to fade as they absorb sunlight and might look dull. In order to make sure the color looks bright enough even in the highest amount of direct sunlight, you want to test the color throughout the day to make sure it really provides the character and look that you want.

2. The type of door you have may determine what kind of paint you should use. Typically, if you have an older door, a high gloss paint can reveal imperfections. On the other hand, if your door is a newer, quality wood door, a high gloss paint will make the color pop while impressing the beauty of the door. Really consider your finishing options as well as the type of door you are painting.

7 Popular color choices for front doors

Here’s an overview of 7 of the most popular colors for front doors and what they might say about you.

1.Blue: While typically used inside, a bright blue paired with natural or neutral exteriors and the right trim creates an unexpectedly warm welcome into your home that can reveal a calm, well-grounded personality that instills stability and trust for you and your guests. If a bright blue feels too much, darker blues do the same thing and tend to be a little more traditional while standing out.


2.Yellow: Yellow, which is often identified with happiness, energy, and warmth, brings a splash of color to exteriors that otherwise might have seemed dark and gloomy, especially if you live in a climate that tends to be cloudy or rainy more often than it is sunny. It also tells the guest that the people inside the house are logical, creative, and positive individuals. Yellow is best paired with neutral colors such as white, gray, or tans.


3.Purple: Too much purple can look gaudy or overbearing, but with the right dose, purple can also complement nearly any exterior palette. Whether you like warm or cool tones, purple can be inviting and tell neighbors that this person not only is free-spirited and dreams big but has also created wealth for themselves.


4.Red: Historically, red has been used as a bright welcoming mat to guests. With ties to British and Chinese culture, a red door reveals warmth, comfort in tradition, passion, vitality, and strength. Bright candy apple reds work great with greys and light neutrals. If a red color seems too bold for you, deeper reds such as crimson work great with brick and bring many of the same effects while also looking more refined and sophisticated.


5.Orange: Like purple, orange is a color that requires care. Bright orange can be too intense if not paired with soothing, neutral tones, while pastel oranges can seem infantile or too dull. However, if used right with complementing tones, orange can be a great color for modern homes. While revealing a personality of high-energy, it also creates feelings of warmth, promotes creativity, and reveals the wisdom of its inhabitants.


6.Grey: An unconventional color for front doors, grey may seem weird, but grey can be sophisticated, elegant, and mysterious. People with grey front doors appreciate the beauty of subtlety and tend to have a calm, almost understated confidence. It is best used in combination with other neutral colors, has undertones of blue or purple, and is paired with contrasting siding and trim. The goal is to have a color that is not too warm or too cool.


7.Teal: Teal, because of its incredible versatility to match almost any exterior given the right shade, is another great color for your front door. The color plays off the characteristics of the color blue, while also bringing in balance and growth of the color green and the uplifting energy of yellow. People who use this color are friendly, balanced, stable individuals that radiate peace while having big hopes and dreams for their future.



Whether you have just moved into your house, been there for a while, or need a new door for an update to sell your home, the experts at Classic Doors will guide you through the whole process. Visit their website or see them in person at 319 Hermitage Ave.

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