5 Reasons Your Child Should Take Swim Lessons

ymca swim lessons

Whether you enjoy the beach or the local indoor and outdoor pools in the area, taking the family to swim is a summer must. Learning how to swim isn’t just necessary for the sake of enjoying a summer swim, but it’s also an important life skill that children should have.The best way to teach your children to swim is to enroll them in lessons and let the pros help your children learn these skills and give you great parental advice on how to keep these skills attuned. Though the summer is wrapping up, it isn’t too late to sign your child up for swim lessons at the YMCA, one of the top providers for swimming lessons across the United States.

Here are 5 reasons your child should take swim lessons.

1.It’s a Life Saver
Drowning is one of the leading causes of injury related deaths in children aged 1 to 14. By teaching them how to swim early, they are able to hone life saving skills that not only include the basics of swimming but what to do if they should ever accidentally fall into a pool.

2.Swimming is Low-Impact
Swimming is also one of the low-impact sports meaning there is less chance of your child getting seriously hurt. While some might have soreness from overuse of a certain part of their body, there isn’t usually any sprains or breaks along the way, something for any parent to be thankful about.

3. Confidence Builder
Children who learn how to swim gain confidence in themselves for knowing a special skill, and they also have more confidence in the water. It means they won’t be attached to a floaty or some other device.

When a child feels confident about a skill, they have more fun. Knowing how to swim will allow them to enjoy all aspects of swimming, like joining a swim team, playing water sports and more.

When your child has mastered the basics of swimming and begins to learn strokes, they will learn much better coordination. Learning the rhythm of when to breath and when to stroke teaches timing and coordination.

The YMCA holds classes for all different levels of swimmers. For more information on swimming lessons or to sign your child up for classes, click here.

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