10 Things About Brentwood We Bet You Didn’t Know

10 things you didn't know about brentwood cemeteries











10. More Cemeteries Than Anywhere in the County

A rural area with lot of history is going to have a number of graveyards and cemeteries. Brentwood, because for most of its history was more of a series of adjacent farms and plantations with a small village center, has a high concentration of graveyards.

There was never something like the City Cemetery that Franklin has; instead each individual plantation or farm tended to have its own family plot.

The first residents of Brentwood, in the early 1800s, tended to bury their dead in lots adjacent to churches in early community cemeteries. These would be for example Liberty Church, off Concord Road, or Johnson Chapel Church. But as the plantation system grew and became mini-towns in their own right, they developed their own. Of course there were even more because each plantation would have a slave and a family cemetery.

All told there are at least 45 known cemeteries in Brentwood, according to the Williamson County Historical Society, with potentially a significant number more which were forgotten or never marked in any register.