Superstition around Friday 13th

Williamson Source Superstition around Friday 13th

Once again we have Friday the thirteenth greeting us and arousing superstition, frustration and angst. This Friday is the second of three in 2012 and oddly enough the three are thirteen weeks apart.

Many people attribute bad luck to Friday the 13th and go so far as to take off work, refuse to drive or barricade themselves in the house until it passes. Another school of thought considers the day extremely lucky. Shorter lines at stores and government offices and fewer people taking advantage of early weekend sales provide opportunities for those who are less superstitious.

Whether you are Pro or Con on the Friday the 13th meter, please take your time today and consider this. We invented calendars, so it is highly unlikely that some other power would decide to take control just because our system put their favorite number on a Friday.

Be safe and enjoy your prelude to the weekend!

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Andrea Hinds
Andrea is a “unicorn,” born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee. With a passion for words and story telling, she enjoys bringing stories to the Middle Tennessee community.