Beauty Treatments That Can Make You Look 10 Years Younger

beauty treatments that can make you look 10 years younger

Who doesn’t want to look 10 years younger? If you feel like your outward appearance doesn’t reflect who you are on the inside or maybe you feel a little subconscious about your appearance, there are some great, noninvasive procedures that can help you preserve your youth and leave you with a glowing complexion.

One of the most traditional and popular beauty treatment is Botox.

How does Botox work?
Botox is used to relax the muscles in the face that cause wrinkles over time. Those happy lines and crows feet, unfortunately, are a fact of life. However, by injecting the Botox through a tiny needle into the muscle, the Botox blocks the nerve impulses from reaching the muscle which causes the skin around it to relax and the wrinkles usually to disappear completely. Additionally, doctors have been using the treatment more recently for treating migraines. Though the treatment isn’t immediately effective, full effects usually occur within a week of the treatment, and it’s highly non-invasive. As always with any medication, there can be complications, and there are specific steps to follow in the immediate 3-4 hours after, but the effects can last for around 3-5 months in initial treatments and around 6-8 months after regular treatments.

A more modern alternative to Botox, and considered more effective, is the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment.

What is PRP Treatment?
The popular treatment, coined the “REVamp Facelift” by Kim Kardashian, uses your own plasma in conjunction with a growth solution that increases cell growth and cell production which reduces wrinkles and treats acne scars. The process is equally, non-invasive as Botox, using microneedles to inject the plasma substance into the skin. The whole process takes an hour to 90 minutes and usually lasts 9 months.

On the other side of beauty treatments, rather than a procedure, there is medical hormone therapy treatment and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Often times as we age, our hormones fall out of balance. By helping our bodies to balance out the hormones through increasing and balancing out testosterone for males and the trifecta of hormones, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, for females, we can feel and look better.

How does hormone therapy treatment work?
Hormone Therapy Treatment uses bio-identical hormones meaning they are the exact same hormone that are in our bodies, and helps with weight loss, increases energy, boosts libido, improves muscle tone, sharpens thinking, and decreases overall body fat. These beneficial health effects help with diagnoses like sexual dysfunction, andropause, menopause, and fatigue. Doctors will assess current levels and make a holistic treatment plan that focuses on nutrition, fitness, and overall lifestyle choices.

If you’re looking for something that is not invasive at all and has virtually no side effects, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy may be your best option.

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?
This therapy has been around for years, mainly used as treatment for surfacing too fast from deep sea diving. More recently though, alternative medicine and now medical centers have made it widely available for patients. The treatment works by putting you in an oxygen rich environment which allows you and your body to breathe, stimulating cell growth, regeneration, and collagen production. This allows for additional skin health, increased energy, boosted immune system, strengthened joints and vision, and reduced general ailments by removing free radicals and toxins from the body.

All of these treatments and more are available locally from Premier Age Management and Weight Loss Center. For more information, please visit their website, call them at 615-649-9600, or visit their locations in Brentwood or Hendersonville.